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The Church and Artificial Intelligence


In this age of rapid technological advancement, one concept that has captured the attention of both the scientific community and the general public is Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI holds tremendous promise, but it also presents unique challenges that demand our attention as followers of Christ. As faithful believers seeking to navigate the complexities of this world, it is essential to understand AI through a biblical lens and discern its implications for our lives and ministries.

  1. Grasping the Potential of AI:

Artificial Intelligence, at its core, is the development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. It enables machines to learn, reason, and make decisions, often surpassing human capabilities in areas like data analysis, automation, and problem-solving. As evangelicals, we should recognize the remarkable potential of AI to enhance human life, alleviate suffering, and create new avenues for ministry. It offers opportunities to improve healthcare, education, and the overall well-being of society.

  1. Navigating Ethical Concerns:

While AI offers immense benefits, it also raises ethical questions that demand careful consideration. The Bible teaches us to be discerning and to think deeply about the impact of technology on human dignity, privacy, and justice. As believers, we must ensure that AI technologies align with biblical values, such as the sanctity of life, respect for human autonomy, and the pursuit of justice and fairness. Engaging in ethical discussions, advocating for responsible AI development, and setting standards rooted in biblical principles should be our aim.

  1. Cultivating a God-Centered Perspective:

In our exploration of AI, it is crucial to maintain a God-centered perspective. Scripture reminds us that all knowledge and wisdom ultimately come from God (Proverbs 2:6). We should approach AI with humility, recognizing that while AI can achieve remarkable feats, it remains a creation of human ingenuity. Our trust and reliance must always be on God, acknowledging that He is the source of all understanding and guidance in navigating the complexities of this rapidly changing world.

  1. Addressing the Impact on Humanity:

As we witness the rise of AI, we must consider its impact on human labor, relationships, and the nature of our communities. Automation and AI-driven systems have the potential to transform industries, affecting employment and job opportunities. We need to proactively address these challenges with compassion and seek ways to ensure a just and equitable society. Additionally, we must be mindful of the impact AI might have on human interaction, emotional well-being, and the importance of genuine relationships. AI should serve to enhance human flourishing, rather than replace or diminish the value of human connection.

  1. Embracing Opportunities for Kingdom Advancement:

As the Church, we are called to be light and salt in the world. AI presents unique opportunities for us to engage in kingdom work. We can harness AI's potential to strengthen our outreach efforts, expand access to biblical resources, and engage with diverse audiences. We should explore how AI can assist in providing healthcare to marginalized communities, addressing social justice issues, and delivering personalized discipleship and counseling. By embracing AI thoughtfully and with biblical discernment, we can leverage this technology to advance the kingdom of God.

In navigating the challenges and opportunities of AI, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to the Word of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our understanding of AI must be grounded in biblical principles of love, justice, and the pursuit of God's kingdom. By remaining vigilant, discerning, and prayerful, we can engage with AI in a way that brings glory to God and serves the flourishing of humanity.

May we, as the Evangelical Church, boldly and faithfully embrace the challenges and opportunities presented by AI




(You are from here on out reading authentic human thoughts)


The above article was produced by ChatGPT, an online Artificial Intelligence that responds to inputs provided by you, the user. ChatGPT was produced by an A.I. research company called OpenAI whose mission is "to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity." (About (

GPT stands for "Generative Pretrained Transformer", meaning that the program has, "been trained on a huge range of text data, allowing it to generate human-like responses to a wide variety of questions and prompts." (How Does Chat GPT Actually Work? - TechRound). When provided with a prompt, ChatGPT in fractions of a second mines through it's library of text which it has been trained on and within seconds provides a response. As you can see from the generated article above, the responses are rather elaborate and free from the usual hilariously bad results (and yet, they still can't figure out autocorrect?). 

In this case, the prompt I provided was: "Can you write an article addressed to the particular audience of the Evangelical church on the challenges and opportunities of A.I. and how to understand it in a biblical way?". Within two seconds (and that isn't hyperbole) I had an entire article in perfect English explaining this topic from the text material which the A.I. was trained.

Impressive, no? There were some legitimate points that were fair. It is crucial to continue to have a God centered perspective on A.I. along with everything else we do. We would definitely do well to consider the ethical implications of A.I. and it's impact on society as a whole. 

I don't want to hop on any doom and gloom bandwagon that states that A.I. is going to thrust us into a dystopian future, although there are definitely reasons to be concerned about it (AI 'godfather' Geoffrey Hinton warns of dangers as he quits Google - BBC News). We need to be aware of how this technology can and is being used for nefarious purposes (please read thisScammers are now using AI to sound like family members. It’s working. - The Washington Post). 

Just like any other tool, there are positives to A.I. as well, including increasing efficiency and productivity, improving accuracy and decision making as well as enhanced customer experiences (The Impact of AI: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Society (

What I am drawing out of this inquiry into A.I. and something not mentioned by the A.I. itself, is that regardless of it's place in the world, it is important for us as followers of Christ to exercise God given discernment in pressing into the glorious truth that humanity, true authentic humanity has been made in the image of God and that is a thing that A.I. will never be able to replicate no matter how close it may come. 

Our desires for efficiency and productivity must not thrust us into a future that diminishes the image of God. We exist as an expression of God's grace, goodness and benevolent rule. That expression has been distorted by sin and if left unchecked will remain so into eternity. But by grace the true image of God is restored through faith in Jesus Christ the perfect image of the invisible God and his sacrificial death on behalf of humanity. 

Humanity, the crown jewel of creation, the only creation made in the image of God whether distorted by sin or restored in Christ, must be upheld in high honor amongst all created things and Christ honored above all things.